So, here's my idea, with the towny plugin;
Say, for example, We have 5 staff members.
Each staff member would receive an in-game nickname and be in charge of a town that
we have already built and prepared on the map. This town would be totally protected forever
and everything in it would be safe.
So heres another example
Admin1 = DwarvenKing( His IGN nickname )
He is in charge of Dwarve town, the city built in the mountains of snowy east.
Players can choose to build here but ONLY if they're on the light side. They
can build a house in a plot in Dware town and there items will be protected and safe.
Admin2 = DragonQueen
She is in charge of a darkside down in a fiery mountain and this town has already been
built and plots have been made so players of the dark side can live and keep their
items in this town.
The beauty of this idea collaborating with townie and nickname is that even if the staff member
leaves or is demoted, a new staff member can take their place as 'DwarvenKing'. With a little
notifcation to the members of the town everything will be back to normal.
The areas can simply be protected with townie and given a name e.g. 'DwarveTown'
and players can warp to the town. With permissions we can make it so only light can warp
to a light town and dark can only warp to dark towns.
Another thing is, the leader of the town doesn't have to be staff. They could be a trusted donator.