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Oh the Joy of sleepless nights.

Today marks the true reason as to why the server was pushed back. It was in fear of today~

No no, I speak not about the wanna-be griefer that attempted to take away our towns. This is in regards to....lagg Mad. Last night I noticed the server overclocking itself to simple carry the weight of 3 people, well that's a big no-no. Compared to the 2% start-up without plugins...Our server was starting up with an access of 80% and up. What could possibly be causing this?!
by Koala - Comments: 0 - Views: 500

It seems to be a while since there has been an update. So I decided to take the responsibility into my own hands.

Don't worry we didn't forget about the server. We are just working out everything so it works at 99%. We also have to wait until bukkit updates to a stable build. This includes the plugins we run.

So keep waiting, as it will be well worth it when we release. Very Happy
by UberDarkAardvark - Comments: 0 - Views: 316


Its been a week and as I can see we each had to fall back into our daily routines. While this is fine I am asking that all admins/mods return this Thursday

November 10th

For the 1.9 Release. I plan on working to the bone until the 13th to which we will finally open up our server and go live with fully functional support and a nice team of admin's monitoring the server for lagg reports, bug/glitches, instability, and lastly errors. I took a pause because I wanted fresh minds ready to get moving and working. I am aware of most to all current issues,
by Koala - Comments: 0 - Views: 348

I'm Back! Took a weekend off, (apologies it was Halloween weekend! ^^)

Now on to the Updates! :

Firstly, I've taken a look at how I can go about group and class management and developed an adaption to my system that should make it tons more easily to process it into code. This I will probably be working on tonight~

Which brings me to finally what I will have staff do. I figured since I obviously can't do this all by myself, I will split the work with my staff and allow each person *guided* unique creativity over what it is I will have them do.

The list...
by Koala - Comments: 0 - Views: 276

Ok guys, Koala is off taking a break for the first time in a long time(He deserves it!). So I was given the job of updating you.

First off, the server release may be delayed as were are working out additional bugs, building semi-critical server elements, as well as upgrading our RAM so we can hold all of you in a lag free enviroment.

Now I know some of you are probably a little disappointed. To cheer you up, think of it this way. With the server working at its 100%, it won't crash, be boring, lag or have too many issues (They always manage to find their way in
by UberDarkAardvark - Comments: 0 - Views: 316

Progress is coming along nicely. Very soon(within the next day or so) We will finally be able to open up to the public , just a few more tweaks need to take place before doing so. Some configs need to be changed, Heroes....Heroes heroes heroes...~ So many things need to be addressed with this plugin.

From there I then need to configure commands to register with the heroes~ AND for groups to carry over from world to world. That being said Plenty of in-game functions are already in place and working as they should be. Give the Mclegend team just a wee bit more time in order to get everything...
by Koala - Comments: 0 - Views: 281

Here I will post pictures of the Dwarf Mine being constructed by me and _Text_.
I will lock this and only post new pictures.

Updates Ekjasz

What I have done so far.
by UberDarkAardvark - Comments: 0 - Views: 354

Tonight was rather....a let down for myself personally. I had the intention of adding in a select mod that would add A FEW new items but I have stressed to no avail :/. After hours of failed attempts at simply adding it to my local host nothing seemed to be working. Believe you me I tried my hardest! The fight isn't over mind you, i REALLY want this one bad~ like ridiculously bad. But it seems like atm it just may not be in the cards.

In light of the previously mentioned tragic events, I did manage to install all but 6 of the remaining plugins with complete success....
by Koala - Comments: 0 - Views: 207

This is the expected date for the main server to go up and be ready for the addition of content. Admins get those building tools ready for we got some work ta do!
by Koala - Comments: 0 - Views: 343

Honestly I didn't believe I could do it but again I doubled up on the work and finished most of it. Today we successfully installed Iconomy and towny. Then I successfully installed factions and confirmed that the two plugins can co-exist and work beautifully.

New Installations:

Attention = config changes Tweak = setting changes Permissions = selective groups

Working (Needs some attention)

Working (Needs attention)

Working Final version

by Koala - Comments: 0 - Views: 306


It's been a VERY long night for me, I can't even explain how much of a tedious effort it was to find the following plugins to support my frivolous attempts at creating and stabilizing a server (perhaps frivolous but definitely worth it!).

What I have done:

I've gotten and configured an area revert so that quests will now automatically tick and restore constantly.
(What does this mean?) Now a admin won't need to Come to each quest and reset them, and the quest can be as intricate and as demanding as we choose to make them. This...
by Koala - Comments: 0 - Views: 274


Sunday, October 23 Grid,(Jesus) decided that he would finally take use of his test server. He completely broke all of my permissions and I had to start all over. Since I could pretty much remember what I had to do I easily remade them after about an hour or so, but there are many ever so slight changes.
To become more accustom to Craftbukkit I have started using my own local host that way I will get no interference, but I sense the need that I will have to speed up my work even more. Ive gotten all admin commands up and running with worldedit/worldgaurd/Essentials I will...
by Koala - Comments: 1 - Views: 343
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